Changing the Cyprus system: Restoring historic buildings is endless

You may read the opinions and thoughts of our founder and managing director, Mr Miltos Kouzis, as they were shared on Cyprus Mail, alongside with the entrepreneur Mr Stylianos Lambrou – founder of Heart Group, regarding the procedures and issuance of permits of listed buildings. We live in the era of digitalization as the world […]
Μίλτος Κουζής: Η προσαρμοστικότητα είναι το “κλειδί” στον τομέα των ακινήτων

Ο κ. Μίλτος Κουζής, Ιδρυτής και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της ΟPTION ESTATES, απαντάει στις ερωτήσεις μας. 1)Πόσα χρόνια δραστηριοποιείστε στον χώρο και σε ποια περιοχή δραστηριοποιείστε μεσιτικά; Δραστηριοποιούμαι στο χώρο από τον Δεκέμβριο του 2009. Ξεκίνησα να εργάζομαι σε ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα κτηματομεσιτικά γραφεία της Κύπρου και μετέπειτα συνέχισα με τη δική μου εταιρεία, κατέχοντας […]
BELGRADE WATERFRONT TO WEST LIMASSOL COAST – If you want to lead, you must first learn how to follow.

The project “Belgrade Waterfront” began in Belgrade in 2014, on the Sava river, with private funds and on the initiative of the Serbian government. This project, which aims to be completed within a decade, will greatly benefit the economy of the city of Belgrade, and Serbia generally. It is a mixed-use development project consisting of […]
Cyprus promising investments. Hotels, student accommodation & staff-houses.

As it has been mentioned many times in many outles, Limassol, and Cyprus in general, is experiencing a period of great growth with hundreds of new projects in the planning stage or already under development. Most of these projects are residential (houses, villas, apartments) or commercial (offices and shops). Lately, however, we are also seeing […]
Limassol. The present and the future.

Limassol is currently going through a period of great change. This change is noticed the closer you get to the city from the towers and skyscrapers that are slowly being erected all over town. The city is now growing steadily and gaining height, and with it, it acquires a new identity. The buyers of these […]

This period some people are expressing their disappointment and their concern regarding the way Limassol is developing. Below I present my personal opinion. It may help us coming to a conclusion and I believe it is food for thought. You cannot describe Limassol as a graphical city. You meet a specimen of graphic only at […]